I was able to try out Tazo Chai Tea for free for being an agent of Smiley360 but all my opinions on here are my own.
I received coupons in the mail to try out Tazo Chai Tea and was really hyped about this product. Being from the South I LOVE TEA! I love all kinds of different tea, hot, cold, sweet, un-sweet, latte, whatever the way it is fixed I pretty much love tea!
I started out by trying their English Tea breakfast blend which was an excellent choice to drink in the mornings. It has a light subtle taste that pairs really well with any morning pastry (doughnuts, honey buns, Twinkies, you know the real sophisticated stuff). I loved sipping this in the morning outside on the porch while watching the sun come up. Really helped me to start my day.
Next I tried their spicy chai latte...LOVED IT! It has hints of cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, pepper and cardamon. You can fix this tea either way. I heated it up with coconut milk and drank it the other night when it was only 17 degrees outside and it warmed me up all over. At work I pour it over ice with coconut milk as a nice pick me up snack for the day and it is so YUMMY.
I give the Tazo Chai tea a 4 of out 5 stars and the reason for that is that I had a very hard time finding any of their other flavors like the pumpkin spice that I wanted to try so bad and their creamy caramel vanilla. THE TEA WAS AWESOME but the availability was a let down.
The two I did get to try out, the English Breakfast blend and the Tazo Chai latte I do recommend for anyone who loves a good cup of tea.
Great job.